2011 fabricacion digital

Winka Dubbeldam, Archi-tectonics, Holand, US

Winka Dubbeldam is the founder and principal of Archi-Tectonics [a M/WBE certified business, founded in 1994] and the Chair of the Graduate Architecture School at PennDesign, Philadelphia. Since founding Archi-Tectonics, Winka published three monographs, has work featured in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art NYC, and other museums and private collections. Archi-Tectonics has completed seven ground up buildings and multiple renovations and urban designs, and has been the recipient of several notable awards, including “Emerging Voice” Award [NYC, 2001], the “IIDA/Metropolis  Smart Environments Award” [2006], the Hommes Award  [2011], The Architectural Record “Record Interiors Award” [2000],  among others. Dubbeldam is an Associate Member of the AIA.

Stephen Cassell, ARO, US

Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano both have Masters Degrees in Architecture and Urban Design from the Universita’ di Napoli, Italy (1989), and have completed post-graduate studies at Columbia University, New York (1990-1991). Besides heading their professional practice, they also teach at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation in New York, and have taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Graduate Department of Architecture, in Cambridge, MA, at the School of Architecture of the Univerisity of Syracuse and at Department of Architecture, Interior Design and Lighting of Parsons School of Design in New York. They also lecture at major universities and cultural institutions throughout the US and abroad. In December 2011, Ada and Giuseppe were recognized as USA Booth Fellows of Architecture & Design by United States Artists (USA).

Carlos Bedoya, PRODUCTORA, México

PRODUCTORA es un estudio de arquitectura ubicado en la Ciudad de México, conformado por arquitectos de diferentes nacionalidades: Abel Perles (1972, Argentina), Carlos Bedoya (1973, México), Victor Jaime (1978, México), y Wonne Ickx (1974, Bélgica). El trabajo de PRODUCTORA se caracteriza por un énfasis en geometrías precisas, un afán por generar proyectos legibles con gestos claros y la búsqueda de edificios atemporales en sus resoluciones materiales y programáticas.

La oficina está realizando una variedad de proyectos en México y en el extranjero desde proyectos residenciales a edificios públicos o corporativos. Su trabajo fue presentado en la Bienal de Arquitectura de Beijing (2006) y Venecia (2008), en el Museo de Arte Nacional de Beijing, en el Museo Victoria y Albert en Londres y en países como Italia, España y EEUU, entre otros. En el 2008 fue seleccionado por el Herzog & de Meuron para participar en el proyecto Ordos100 para diseñar una villa en Inner Mongolia, China y este mismo año ganaron , en colaboración con Lucio Muniain et al, el concurso internacional para la Nueva Sede de la Corporación Andina de Fomento en Caracas, Venezuela, proyecto actualmente en desarrollo. Han sido ganadores del Young Architects Forum en 2007, y de Emerging Voices 2013, ambos convocados por la Architectural League en Nueva York.

PRODUCTORA colabora frecuentemente con artistas nacionales e internacionales para darles apoyo técnico en el desarrollo de sus ideas o para idear proyectos o museografías en conjunto. PRODUCTORA ha trabajado con artistas como Iñaki Bonillas, Marta Minujín, David Lamelas, Rita McBride, Francis Alys, Pablo Bronstein, entre otros. El estudio ha realizado museografías en El Palacio de Bellas Artes de Bruselas, el Centro Cultural Clavijero en Morelia, y el Museo Tamayo, Sala de Arte Público Siquieros, San Ildefonso y ARCHIVO en la Ciudad de México.

En el 2011, PRODUCTORA fundó en colaboración con la curadora y crítica de arte Ruth Estévez el espacio LIGA, una plataforma de exposiciones en la Ciudad de México para promover la arquitectura latinoamericana emergente.  (www.liga-df.com)

Julien De Smedt, JDS

Julien De Smedt was born on December 3rd 1975 in Brussels, Belgium to French art enthusiast

Jacques Léobold and Belgian artist Claude De Smedt. After attending schools in Brussels (St Luc, La Cambre, Sint Lukas), Paris (Belleville), Los Angeles (Sci-Arc) and London he received his diploma from the Bartlett School of Architecture in 2000. During 1997-1998 and 2000-2001, he worked at OMA, Rotterdam. In 2001 he co-founded the office PLOT. Among other awards and recognition titles he received the Henning Larsen Price in 2003 and an Eckersberg medal in 2005. In 2004 the Stavanger Concert Hall was appointed world’s best concert hall at the Venice Biennale and the maritime youth house was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe award and won the AR+D award in London.

In 2006 Julien De Smedt founded his current office, JDS, in Copenhagen. In 2007 he won the international competition for the new Holmenkollen Skijump in Oslo, Norway.

JDS opened a branch office in Brussels in 2008.

Julien De Smedt taught as guest professor at Rice University, Houston, Texas and lectured among other places at the Sendai Mediatheque, Japan, at Architectural Association of Ireland, at the Tate Modern, London, at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, Barcelona, at the Pavillon de l’arsenal, Paris, at Mc Gill University,

Montreal, at Yale University, New Haven, at SciArc and USC, Los Angeles. His work has been exhibited in numerous locations such as Copenhagen, Toronto, Paris, New York City, Sao Paulo.
JDS first monograph, entitled PIXL TO XL, is available since December 2007 from Damdi publishers.

Kevin Klinger, Director, Institute of Digital Fabrication, BSU, US

Kevin R. Klinger is Director of the Institute for Digital Fabrication with the Center for Media Design at Ball State University and Associate Professor of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Planning. He has served as a two-term President (03-05) and a two-term Vice-President (05-07) of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) an international organization devoted to studying the advances in architecture resulting from influences of digital technology. Klinger leads research, teaching, and service in digital design and digital fabrication. Kevin R. Klinger encourages explorations in digitally-driven design evolved by techniques of digital fabrication. Design processes incorporating digital fabrication are informed by the direct association between design and production and the critical deployment of a range of software and advanced machining procedures. The digital exchange of information in this inventive process has led to new forms of architectural production that bring designers deeper into the complexities of making, assembly, and material formulation. Digital fabrication techniques encourage new forms of collaboration with industry, challenge conventional methodologies, and suggest a future in which designers are much more engaged in the total process of architecture. As such, the Institute for Digital Fabrication is devoted to advancing ideas and opportunities that result from the intersection of emerging technology with students, industry, and research collaborators. Lecture: \”Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture.\” The lecture will focus on work prepared for the forthcoming book from Routledge (late summer 2008) with Co-editor Branko Kolarevic, which features the recent international symposium entitled: ³Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture.² The symposium, held at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, assembled leading thinkers, designers, and makers from around the world to discuss experimental processes of material exploration through examining various levels of engagement and new forms of architectural production that bring designers deeper into the complexities of making, assembly, and material formulation.

Ada Tolla, LOT-EK, US

Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano both have Masters Degrees in Architecture and Urban Design from the Universita’ di Napoli, Italy (1989), and have completed post-graduate studies at Columbia University, New York (1990-1991). Besides heading their professional practice, they also teach at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation in New York, and have taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Graduate Department of Architecture, in Cambridge, MA, at the School of Architecture of the Univerisity of Syracuse and at Department of Architecture, Interior Design and Lighting of Parsons School of Design in New York. They also lecture at major universities and cultural institutions throughout the US and abroad. In December 2011, Ada and Giuseppe were recognized as USA Booth Fellows of Architecture & Design by United States Artists (USA).

Giuseppe Lingano, LOT-EK, US

Giuseppe Lignano has a Master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the Universita’ di Napoli, Italy, and completed postgraduate studies at Columbia University, New York. Besides heading his professional practice, LOT-EK, he currently teaches at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Architecture. He also lectures at major universities and cultural institutions globally.

Giuseppe Lignano and Ada Tolla have achieved high visibility for their sustainable and innovative approach to construction, materials, and space and through the adaptive reuse (“upcycling”) of existing industrial objects and systems not originally intended for architecture. They are also recognized for the use of technology as an integral part of architecture, for addressing transformability in architecture, and for integrating aspects of art and architecture.

LOT-EK’s work has been published in national and international publications, including the New York Times, the London Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, Wallpaper*, Domus, A+U, Interior Design, Wired, Surface, Metropolis, Vogue, Graphis, and more.

LOT-EK’s first monograph, Urban Scan, was published by Princeton Architectural Press in 2002. Mixer: Installation and Assembly Manual: LOT-EK Architecture was released by Edizioni Press in 2000; and LOT-EK: Mobile Dwelling Unit was published by DAP in 2003.

Giuseppe Lignano was recently recognized as a United States Artists (USA) Booth Fellow of Architecture and Design. Nominations are made each year by arts leaders and practitioners, critics, and scholars of artists they believe show an extraordinary commitment to their craft.

